"On Feb. 18, 1943 the first formal graduation of nurses of the 349th Air Evac Group was held at the base chapel at Bowman Field, Ky. The 30 members of this group had completed a program of instruction that was definitely in the experimental stage. The 4-week course included class work in air evac nursing, air evac tactics, survival, aeromedical physiology, mental hygiene in relation to flying, training in plane loading procedures, military indoctrination and a one-day bivouac. Aerial Medical Evacuation nurses served with distinction with both the USAAF and USN in every theater of war, and continue to care for our service men and women today. Female nurses and male medical technicians were a crucial part of the war effort, and the advent of air evacuation during WWII is credited with saving many lives. History was made, with many significant events. FLIGHT NURSE’S CREED I will summon every resource to prevent the triumph of death over life. I will stand guard over the medicines and equipment entrusted to my care and insure their proper use. I will be untiring in the performance of my duties and will remember that, upon my disposition and spirit, will in large measure depend the morale of my patients. I will be faithful to my training and to the wisdom handed down to me by those who have gone before us. I have taken a nurse’s oath, reverent in man’s mind because of the spirit and work of its creator, Florence Nightingale. She, I remember, was called the “lady with the lamp.” It is now my privilege to lift this lamp of hope and faith and courage in my profession to heights not known by her in her time. Together, with the help of flight surgeons and surgical technicians, I can set the very skies ablaze with life and promise for the sick, injured, and wounded who are my sacred charges. This I will do. I will not falter in war or in peace.
Eventually, about 500 Army nurses served as members of 31 medical air evacuation transport squadrons operating worldwide. It is a tribute to their skill that of the 1,176,048 patients air evacuated throughout the war, only 46 died en route. Seventeen flight nurses lost their lives during the war. Fellow author Sara Sundin has an excellent historical background about flight nurses at her web site, along with links to her excellent novels. |
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