Thiet airfield was hot and dusty, perched on the edge of a
high bluff overlooking the beautiful South China sea.
Click HERE
for her fan site.
Vikki Carr and Danny Kaye performing for members
of the 1st Brigade, 101st Abn Div, in an impromptu show beside the
airstrip at Phan Thiet, South Vietnam.

Vikki Carr sings for a small group of very
appreciate fans in South Vietnam in 1965. Comment from Chuck
Adkin: I was looking at more of your
photos and remember Danny Kaye coming thru Phan Rang with his show.
The female singer on your Phan Thiet photos page is Vikki Carr. I
bought all her albums after I came home in 1967 for about the next
15 years.
A supporting aviation unit occupied the south end
of the single runway. One night we heard the thump of the incoming
mortar fire and a couple of explosions, but mostly clanks on our
end. After sunrise, the tent area around the air crews' tents were
littered with unexploded mortar rounds, safety pins still in place.
RF/PF weapons classes on the bluff overlooking the
China Sea. The "Ruff/Puffs" were local Regional/Popular
forces, along with the CIDG - Civilian Irregular Defense Force - all
locals the Bde worked with in addition to the slightly more
organized South Vietnamese Army units.

Elements of the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne
Division conducted Operation Austin II, a series of long range
patrolling actions from the coastal town of Phan Thiet up into the
mountains dividing the II and III Corps areas in the April, 1966
period. Dry and dusty, the command post was set up in the old air
terminal at the north end of the runway.
