Snake Bird
- as described by Miguel in LOST KEY -
or more correctly
Parker probably should have used different marker to guide him back to the wreck of the Golden Lode. Anhingas can be seen perched on the mangrove tangles and trees all along the Keys and up the Florida coast. Perhaps it was the distinctive tree that brought Parker to the correct spot.
An adult anhinga's wingspan often exceeds four feet. This anhinga, sunning on a Mangrove root, is probably a female with her brown head and neck. The males usually are distinguished by black head and neck feathers. They are related to the Cormorant, used by Asian fishermen to catch and regurgitate small fish. The anhinga can also be found along the Atlantic flyway as far north as North Carolina and as much as a hundred miles inland along the brackish tributaries such as Albemarle Sound.
And probably a better diver than Parker.