Although many of the men held an old allegiance to the 82nd
Airborne, the Battalion was not officially part of the Division.
The 463rd PFA jumped into southern France as part of Operation Dragoon, sharing a narrow and rocky drop zone with the 509th PIR. The scattered drop had much the same effect on the Germans as had the parachute drops in Normandy. The paratroopers and glider men were so dispersed the Germans had problems determining the airborne assault's objective, which in turn distracted the German defenses opposing the troops landing on the nearby beaches. At the conclusion of Operation Dragoon, the Battalion moved by truck and train, eventually ending up at Mourmelon, France where it was scheduled to join the 17th Airborne Division. The 17th Airborne Division was still in England, and due to a shortage of transportation, was unable to reach France in time when the 101st and 82nd were ordered to deploy. When the 101st Airborne prepared to depart Mourmelon to defend against the German attack in December 1944, The 463rd PFA Battalion Commander volunteereed the Battalion to accompany the 101st. |
2000-2020 J. M. Taylor |