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International Space Station
Early 21st Century

Mac Dawson faced death as a worker on the International Space Station until a providential flash of light radiating from a distant galaxy sparked the neurons traveling his mind's pathways. Mac's son, Allen, like the Screaming Eagles on D-Day, has a rendezvous with destiny.



Seven thousand light years from Earth a black hole imploded in the Eagle Nebula, releasing a wave of gamma radiation from the center of a finger-like star cloud and engulfing the adjacent star systems. The ball of energy expanded toward the outer edges of the universe, brushing by every celestial body in its path, including, eventually, Earth.

The suit alarm squealer gnawed into Mac Dawson’s left ear, drowning out the background intercom chatter. He shook his head in disgust at the disfigured spalloy cross beam, chopped ragged, half a centimeter shorter than the spec sheet projected onto the bottom of his face plate. The alarm droned on while he tried to figure out how to correct his mistake. Jury-rigs weren’t expected in space.

Space Station.jpg (69942 bytes)

(If you would like to read the entire Chapter 1 in Adobe .PDF format, click on the Space Station.)

Comments? Think this could be the beginning of a series?


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